Thursday, September 3, 2020

Ultimate OSRS – Monkey Madness 2 Quest Guide

 Monkey Madness 2 can be a lengthy quest in OSRS, though it offers up some neat rewards.


If you are attempting the OSRS Monkey Madness 2 quest on a search for OSRS gold and glory, then there is a lot you will need to know. Following on from the previous Monkey Madness quest, Glough has gone missing and King Namode needs you, and again enlists your help. This is a very long quest, so there is a lot you need to know before we get started.

Monkey Madness Quest Requirements

Starting with Monkey Madness quest requirements, you will need to have completed the Eyes of Glouphrie, Recipe for Disaster, Enlightened Journey, Troll Stronghold, and Watchtower. As for your skills, you will need 55 Agility, 70 Crafting, 60 Hunter, 69 Slayer, and 55 Thieving.

There are also several OSRS items that you will need to finish the quest. These include Food, Lemons, Grapes, Energy Potions, Prayer Potions, Summer Pies, Weapons, Armour, Pestle and Mortar. There are also monkey items including the Monkeyspeak Amulet, Monkey GreeGree, and the Monkey Talisman.

Chapter 1

To kick off the quest, go and speak to Narnode Shareen, who tells you Glough has escaped. Then head to Glough’s house to the south-east of the Grand Tree and climb the ladder. Climb up the tree and investigate the tree branch, which will give you an embroidered handkerchief.

Speak to the wife Anita at the north-west staircase of the Gnome Stronghold. Ask her what’s wrong as she is upset. Her fears are that Glough is seeing another woman. Offer to help her as Glough may be in trouble. She tells you of whispering that she couldn’t reach higher in the house. So go back to Glough’s house and climb the tree a couple of times. Check out the gnome statue which will have a hidden switch. In the cupboard you will find the OSRS book of spyology, so read through it to find a spycraft encrypted document. Go over to the crates to the north-west to get a brush. Then check the fire remains to find a mysterious note. To decipher the note, you need to use Pestle and Mortar on your lemon. Then use the nearby lit candle on the note, and use your Pestle and Mortar on grapes to apply to the brush. Use this brush now on the note to make a scrawled note.

The note is written in an ancient Gnome language. Use your translation book on the note and return it to the king. He will tell you to go back to Anita to translate it. Read the now translated note and head back to the king. Assistant Le Smith apparently helped Glough escape according to the note. With that information go to the south of Glough’s tree and speak to Assistant Lori. This assistant is the replacement for Le Smith and tells you to ask Auguste what happened. Use the balloon to get to Entrana and speak to Auguste. You will be informed that Le Smith was lost trying to get to Ape Atoll. Go back to King Narnode who will tell you to talk to Garkor in Ape Atoll.

Chapter 2

Once you reach Ape Atoll, go to the north of the island. Over to the east, you will find speak to Garkor. You will be told to speak with King Awowogei, so do so. You will be informed that he only speaks to Kruk, SO go back to Garkor. Your next task is to kill Kruk so you can make a GreeGree to use as a disguise. Go to the hill near the main gate and you will spot some monkey archers. You will be able to talk to one of them, so ask where Kruk is. You will be told to track him from the bottom of the hill, so head down until you find tracks. Follow them all the way to a trapdoor, then open it to enter the dungeon.

You can find Kruk near the handholds from the entrance. Be careful, however, as there is an entire dungeon in front of you to get to him. There are two different ways of approaching the dungeon. You can either use your agility, which would mean you should be about 70 Agility to attempt it, or you can Tank your way through. For the latter method, you will need a slashing weapon and a pickaxe.

Agility Route - Old School RuneScape

If you are going for the agility method, then head south then east. Make sure you stick to the flat parts of the ground, as the parts covered in an X will see you fall into a trap. Keep going until you come to a full room of tricky ground. Your goal is to reach the eastern door. Follow the path to the chest to get the bronze key. Use this on the northern door and continue to the northern end of the cave. Go down the corridor to the west to find Kruk’s lair.

Tanking Route

You will notice that the tanking route makes the dungeon look straight forward. However, there are enemies to deal with here. Look out for monkey archers and make your way through by slashing webs. You will know whether or not you are heading the wrong way if you come across a web that is too strong to slash. Your goal is to find a set of chests that will open to find a combat damaged key. This is then used to open a door to progress. You will then find a number of traps that can be disabled. This is only temporary so be careful.


Keep going west and you will find three maniacal monkeys. The path then splits left and right, both ways have dodgy ground to contend with. Once you reach Kruk, you will have to avoid a number of melee attacks. Use your stamina potions to help you avoid the attacks and retaliate with melee in kind. Once he is down, take his paw and make your way out.

Your next task is to make a Kruk Monkey GreeGree. You will need a Monkey Talisman and the paw to do so. Next, its time to head through the tunnel from the first Old School Runescape Monkey Madness quest. Go to Zooknock and get the monkey GreeGree made for you. Head out of the dungeon and go back to Awowogei. You will be told that the monkeys are using the Gu’Tanoth Ogres and the Troll Stronghold generals to plan an attack. Speak to Garkor to start the next chapter.

Chapter 3

Use teleport to Trollheim and go into the Troll Stronghold. From the entrance go down and left to find the room with Kob. You will need to fight Kob until he gives up, after which you need to talk to Kob again. Once you have done so, got to Gu’Tanoth and keep heading left until you see Keef. Once again you will need to defeat this character, and Protect from Melee comes in handy here.

Afterward, speak to Garkor then talk to Assistant Lee Smith on the top of the Ape Atoll buildings. His locations vary from the top of the jail to top of the main gate, on the building west of the rune stall, and the top of the broken building. After speaking to Garkor again go to the west and speak to the monkey guard to go to an airship platform. Go through the maze and try not to get spotted by the ninja monkeys here. Find the six satchels and pick them up, after which you will need to fill them with explosives. Go to the east, then find and climb the green ladder. From here go southwest and go down the blue ladder to find the satchels. Go back to the ground floor then climb the cyan ladder.

Go down the red ladder next and go along the path to get the explosives. Clicking the barrel will fill all of the satchels, so do so and go back up the red ladder. Head down and use a satchel on the floorboards here. Then go back to the ground floor and place a satchel on the eastern beams. Use the green ladder again on the ground floor and head across the vines. Go north and put a satchel on the weakened floorboards.

Then you need to go back to the green ladder on the middle floor to reach the top floor. Head down to the gas container and use a satchel on it. After that, go make it to the ground floor and head back towards the boat. Just to the west of the entrance, you will see support beams, so use a satchel on it. Go back to the boat and then speak to Grankor, before heading back to Kruk’s dungeon.

Head north and equip the Kruk GreeGree, then use the monkey bars. Then go through the passage that goes into Glough’s laboratory. You will see a stunted demonic gorilla, so climb on it then go down the stairs. You might need to use Protect from Melee again here to get past the gorillas here. Afterward, use the holding area to get off the stunted demonic gorilla and look for a chisel and hammer in the nearby boxes.

Your next task is to head upstairs and mess with the device at the top. Use your chisel on the charged onyx before using the deconstructed onyx over on the device you have just found. Now you need to investigate the incubation chamber, after which you can talk to Garkor. He will tell you to go speak to Awowogei and state that the trolls and ogres have backtracked on the alliance, which will frustrate him and force him to cancel the assault. Tell Garkor this news which will trigger a cutscene, which shows Glough going ahead with the plans to attack.

Chapter 4

Head back to King Narnode Shareen and let him know that the Gnome Stronghold is going to be attacked. You will be told to ask the aid of Nieve, who can be found near the stronghold Slayer cave. Ask for her help and she will agree. By going around the stronghold, you will notice that tortured gorillas will be around, so be careful.

Let the king know and you will be informed that the 10th Squad will handle business whilst you and Nieve go and find Glough at the crash site. From there, go to the grand tree and head northwest to speak to Garkor. Head through the crash site to find the cavern, and be wary of the tortured gorillas outside.

Final Chapter

Make your way through the cavern and take on the demonic and tortured gorillas within. Glough will then drink his mutagen which transforms him. Nieve will be knocked away trying to stop him and will be crushed by a boulder. This leaves you to deal with Glough by yourself, and you will need to fight him within three different caverns.

In the first room, you can safely spot Glough so do so until he moves into the next room. When he enters the second room, try and lure him back to the first. Go along the north wall and you will find a safe spot to attack him with ranged and magic. Go into the final room and then use Protect from Melee if you are attacking from close range. If you are attacking from a distance, then try using Protect from Magic.

After you have beaten Glough, you will be teleported out of the collapsing cavern. Explain to Zooknock that Nieve died in battle, after which you will be teleported to King Narnode. Inform the king that Glough has been slain and the rest of his minions are trapped in the collapsed cavern. You will be told that he’d received a message to say that Awowogei has set up a peace offering between the mainland and the Ape Atoll, which he will accept.

That’s it! You have completed the OSRS Monkey Madness 2 quest. This is one of the longer quests in the game, and it is challenging. But you can expect to receive 4 quest points, plus plentiful Slayer, Agility, Thieving, and Hunter XP. You will also have access to the Crash Site Caverns if you wish to venture there.

Did you manage to complete this Old School RuneScape Monkey Madness 2 quest? Let us know in the comments section below!


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