Thursday, January 23, 2020

Help With Past Endeavors: WoW Classic Guide

WoW Classic Guide

Despite losing more recent content and various quality of life features, World of Warcraft Classic became a hit. For veterans, it’s because of nostalgia. For those that joined in past Wrath of the Lich King, it’s a chance to experience the things they missed. And for those who have never played WoW at all, it’s the opportunity to finally try this quintessential MMO.If you’re among those who play it for the last two reasons, then we hope you enjoy the updated version of WoW Vanilla.

Here are a few classic class guides that will help you have a good time, be it in WoW Classic Gold farming or anything else!

The Class Struggle

Obviously, the first thing you’ll need to do is to choose your race and class quests. If you’ve been playing Vanilla WoW for quite some time now, then you most likely have an affinity for a particular race or class in mind. But unless you’ve experienced WoW Classic phase firsthand, then there’s a chance that you’d make a few mistakes. Worse, you might end up choosing a class you thought would fit your style but actually doesn’t.

You can also end up with the class guide you want but not the talent build you want. And unlike in WoW now where you can have more than one role, roles in Classic world is way more rigid. For example, you can be a DPS druid tank, but you’d be more useful in raids if you stuck with support.
As for first-timers, here’s the thing about races: you can choose any, provided that they can take up the classes you want. However, some races fit certain classes better. To choose the best race guide with the class it’s best suited for, check out that race’s abilities first and whether or not it will synergize with the talent build you want.

For the Long Haul

After choosing your race and class, the next most important thing to take into consideration is leveling guides up. And in WoW Classic, it’s going to take you quite the time to get from level 1 to 60. This is because unlike the more recent expansions where the game makes sure you get to the cap as quickly as possible, the original 2004 game is a slow burn. Heck, older players took a year before they finally hit the cap.

Don’t be in a hurry to reach the endgame. Rather, just enjoy every step of the way. Every dungeon, grind session, and class quests line finished–you’re going to remember them when the endgame is in sight. Heck, you might even want to go back and grind all over again!

Money, Food, and Company

Collecting mounts has become a rather popular endeavor in Azeroth. And in the more recent expansions, they’re a dime a dozen. In WoW Classic, however, mounts are much harder to come by. Aside from the fact that there are fewer mounts, they are also less snazzy, and ironically, pricier. So if you’re not looking forward to getting around the world on foot, it’s important that you save up on WoW gold right from the start.

Other than gold, you also need to save up on food and water. Compared to today’s Classic World of Warcraft, water and food are harder to come by. Stack up whenever you see a food vendor!
Last but definitely not least, keep in mind that Classic WoW is a much more social game compared to what WoW has become. Therefore, you mustn’t do anything stupid that may make you infamous. Also, since there’s no Quest Finder yet, you need to either unlock certain quest guide lines to unlock certain dungeons or areas within it, or party up with someone that already has.

Because of the many changes WoW underwent, its WoW Classic class days can feel like a completely different beast. But don’t feel daunted–it’s actually quite the romp. Just take these tips to heart and you’ll have an enjoyable experience!

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