Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Beautiful Spots in World of Warcraft


Beautiful Spots in World of Warcraft

Somewhere you can stop and smell the (metaphorical) roses

Taking a break from farming feels so much better when you’re in a beautiful locale. Even embroiled in war, Azeroth still has pockets of these areas. It just goes to show that life still thrives even in a ravaged land. Some of these areas may not be accessible anymore, but that doesn’t mean they stopped being pretty. You don’t even have to buy WoW gold or anything just to admire the view.

Here are three beautiful places to relax in World of Warcraft.

Isle of Quel’Danas

Typically, any location where elves dwell ends up being eye candy. Silvermoon and the Eversong woods are also pretty, but Quel’Danas mixes the best of those locations into one. The island is home to the Sunwell, an artifact of power for the blood elves in Silvermoon.

The town, Sun’s Reach, is filled with the bright oranges of autumnal trees among the architectural marvels of the elves. It’s a look that fits its name, as the town is as light as sunlight. Even as you prepare for the raid on the Sunwell Plateau, it’s worth it to take a few minutes to admire the beautiful scenery of the isle.

Crystalsong Forest (and Dalaran)

As mentioned above, elves make locations prettier. They’re the cause of the Crystalsong Forest, a forest of purple crystallized trees that almost glow in the dark. Floating above it, at least during the war against the Lich King, the city of Dalaran hovers majestically.

Its purple spires coordinate with the forest below, making a pretty picture. Dalaran is a city of magi, not elves, though its architecture is also a thing to behold. Later, it moved to the Deadwind Pass in the Legion expansion. Still, the forest of crystal trees is a sight you don’t want to miss.

The Beach Behind Ahn’Qiraj

For those looking for a more private spot to relax, this beach behind Ahn’Qiraj is a perfect spot. There’s not much to do here but watch the Veiled Sea churn with waves. That means it’s not often visited by other people, and you can watch the sunset here without disturbance.

Sure, now that you and any other player has read this article, it may be more populated than usual. That only means more friends to enjoy the view with, don’t you think? A majority of players still prioritize leveling and strengthening their characters, so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

The Jade Forest (Shrine of Fellowship)

For those seeking a more normal sight, the Jade Forest in Pandaria is one to see. You’ll be surrounded by greenery and trees everywhere, which psychologically is a relaxing sight. Seeing it through a screen could diminish the effect, but what can we do?

One particular location of interest is the Shrine of Fellowship within the forest. Situated upon a peak, you’ll be able to see for miles and even past the forest. On the ground level, you can’t see much past the trees everywhere. The red shades of the structures on the shrine also make it stand out from all the green.

The Tirisfal Glades

For a darker version of the Jade Forest, the Tirisfal Glades fulfill that category. Elves once tried to settle here, which resulted in them moving away. The reason is that some of them went mad for some reason, and they decided to leave. Legend says that an Old God resides here and is the source of all the weird phenomena happening in the glade.

Whether that’s true or not, the forest here remains a beautiful, if eerie, place. Halloween or horror enthusiasts would love the atmosphere here, where it’s rather dreary, bleak, and a little lonely. It’s the kind of beauty that haunts you in more ways than one.

Bonus: Revendreth

Anyone who loves gothic architecture and dark elements would love to be in Revendreth. The Shadowlands area is filled with that kind of imagery. Also, the area’s storyline and leveling experience are the best out of all the areas in the Realm of the Dead. Ardenweald is a close second for its unique areas and mystical atmosphere.

However, Revendreth is better in the leveling and questing aspects, making the Venthyr Covenant a popular choice.


Saddle up those mounts (or get some WoW mounts for sale) and explore these beautiful areas. Forget about leveling and grinding for a moment and take a breather. Of course, with Azeroth being a big place, there are more unmentioned places to see and admire. Whether you’re there to take screenshots, share the view with another, or just be there to admire, these places are the best to do so.

If you ever find more of these kinds of places, don’t be afraid to share them! Keep enjoying World of Warcraft, and don’t forget to stop and admire the view every once in a while.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Survive Raid in Escape from Tarkov

Escape From Tarkov Raiding Beginner Guide

 At the start of your game, your stash will be given only a few starting items. On the equipment side of your inventory, you will have a secure container. Depending on which version of the game you purchased, your container will be 2x2, 2x3, or 3x3. Everything you put in this container will not be lost when you go into a raid. I recommend putting keys and medical tools in sicc case. Speaking of losing things, when you go into a PMC raid, you'll lose everything you carry with you if you die.

That is unless you secure your items, you will have the option to pre-load them in a raid. Securing your items means that if no one picks them up at the end of the raid, they will be returned to you about a day later. I recommend securing most of your equipment to minimize losses. To Escape from Tarkov, you have two options for a raid. A lucky scav junkbox is a container for the purpose of saving space within a player's inventory. This item offers 196 stock slots on a 14×14 grid and occupies 16 stock slots. Anything considered a barter item can be stored in it.

Before each foray into Escape from Tarkov, you have to make a decision: do you want to play the role of SCAV or PMC? The differences between these characters are significant, so it is worth knowing more about them before starting the game. This page contains all the differences between SCAV and PMC. You will also learn about the pros and cons of these combinations.

Getting into a raid in Escape from Tarkov is always risky. All the equipment you carry with you may disappear at once, forcing you to go back to the menu to treat your character and start over. But Scavs (short for Scavengers) is meant to give you another option.


When you raid as a member of your chosen faction, whatever you bring comes into play. However, if you choose to enter as a friendly scavenger, you will have a chance to escape with free equipment. You see, in Escape from Tarkov, the Scavs are basically the AI that terrifies you when you play as a PMC, but in this mode, you get a chance to run with the Russians.

When you play as a Scav, you will be pushed into a continuous raid at random times using random equipment, but you will not be attacked by other Scavs, unless you encounter them. You still have to beware of the players, but if you manage to escape, you will make huge profits while upgrading your arsenal.

Every time you have access to Scav, run Scav raid. I can't stress enough how important this is to you as a new player. Scavs, at least, always have a weapon with some ammo, which allows you to transfer the same gear to your bare PMC and give you a "free" PMC raid, as long as you survive the Scav raid first.

In addition, you can also get shields, helmets, headphones, and other expensive things like LAB's cards and keys. LABS cards generally cost between 150 and 200 thousand rubles, which can easily be enough money for two to three PMC loads, so if you spawn with it, it exhausts the extraction process.


If you want to get to grips with Tarkov’s gunplay or learn the methods of looting, your best bet is to try an offline raid. You can go completely alone without any Scavs just to get a good knowledge of the map or you can go in with Scavs and do a little shooting.

However, it goes without saying that the items you find in the offline raids will not be transferred to your stash.

How to Heal After Raid in Escape from Tarkov?

Before you begin to heal, you must know why it is so important to Escape from Tarkov. Unlike first-person shooter (FPS) titles, Escape from Tarkov is very realistic. Every injury is important and if left untreated it will cause problems.

Not only is it less HP that you will have to deal with when you are shot, but there are a lot of status effects as well. For example, bleeding, cuts, fractures, and pain will make the difference between winning a crossfire and being killed by enemy fire. Playing without healing will leave you at a disadvantage.

With that out of the way, let’s see what the healing process after a raid entails:

●       After a raid, a healing screen will pop up or you can open your stash.

●       Move to the “Health” tab at the top left of the screen.

●       From the menu, choose the relevant medical supplies for your injuries.

●       Select one, for example, a Medkit or Water.

●       When you select an item, there is a drop-down menu.

●       From the menu, select “Use.”

●       You can choose the quantity of the supplies you want to use by selecting a number.

●       Repeat for other injuries and status effects

This process is very similar to recovering during a raid. Both require you to open your inventory and choose a healing item.

There is a Use All feature in Escape from Tarkov, but it won't take into account how much you actually need. For this reason, it is best to determine the exact amount of supplies you need to reach your maximum capacity.


Friday, August 13, 2021

Powerful Build for Nightblade in ESO


ESO Nightblade Build Guide

Wondering what are the powerful and best Nightblade Builds for ESO? With that in mind, here are some of the best Nightblade builds that Elder Scrolls Online.

1. Silencium
2. Bomb Magicka
3. Illusion Healer
4. Siphoner Tank
5. Solo Stamblade
6. Solo Magblade
With these best builds, you'll certainly have a great adventure. To be one of a kind adventurers in all of ESO, you need to have the necessary ESO items, and best gears, with that, you will need a lot of ESO coins also known as ESO gold which you can only obtain from the ESO market.

This infographic has been first published at Gamehitch

ESO gold