Monday, August 16, 2021

Survive Raid in Escape from Tarkov

Escape From Tarkov Raiding Beginner Guide

 At the start of your game, your stash will be given only a few starting items. On the equipment side of your inventory, you will have a secure container. Depending on which version of the game you purchased, your container will be 2x2, 2x3, or 3x3. Everything you put in this container will not be lost when you go into a raid. I recommend putting keys and medical tools in sicc case. Speaking of losing things, when you go into a PMC raid, you'll lose everything you carry with you if you die.

That is unless you secure your items, you will have the option to pre-load them in a raid. Securing your items means that if no one picks them up at the end of the raid, they will be returned to you about a day later. I recommend securing most of your equipment to minimize losses. To Escape from Tarkov, you have two options for a raid. A lucky scav junkbox is a container for the purpose of saving space within a player's inventory. This item offers 196 stock slots on a 14×14 grid and occupies 16 stock slots. Anything considered a barter item can be stored in it.

Before each foray into Escape from Tarkov, you have to make a decision: do you want to play the role of SCAV or PMC? The differences between these characters are significant, so it is worth knowing more about them before starting the game. This page contains all the differences between SCAV and PMC. You will also learn about the pros and cons of these combinations.

Getting into a raid in Escape from Tarkov is always risky. All the equipment you carry with you may disappear at once, forcing you to go back to the menu to treat your character and start over. But Scavs (short for Scavengers) is meant to give you another option.


When you raid as a member of your chosen faction, whatever you bring comes into play. However, if you choose to enter as a friendly scavenger, you will have a chance to escape with free equipment. You see, in Escape from Tarkov, the Scavs are basically the AI that terrifies you when you play as a PMC, but in this mode, you get a chance to run with the Russians.

When you play as a Scav, you will be pushed into a continuous raid at random times using random equipment, but you will not be attacked by other Scavs, unless you encounter them. You still have to beware of the players, but if you manage to escape, you will make huge profits while upgrading your arsenal.

Every time you have access to Scav, run Scav raid. I can't stress enough how important this is to you as a new player. Scavs, at least, always have a weapon with some ammo, which allows you to transfer the same gear to your bare PMC and give you a "free" PMC raid, as long as you survive the Scav raid first.

In addition, you can also get shields, helmets, headphones, and other expensive things like LAB's cards and keys. LABS cards generally cost between 150 and 200 thousand rubles, which can easily be enough money for two to three PMC loads, so if you spawn with it, it exhausts the extraction process.


If you want to get to grips with Tarkov’s gunplay or learn the methods of looting, your best bet is to try an offline raid. You can go completely alone without any Scavs just to get a good knowledge of the map or you can go in with Scavs and do a little shooting.

However, it goes without saying that the items you find in the offline raids will not be transferred to your stash.

How to Heal After Raid in Escape from Tarkov?

Before you begin to heal, you must know why it is so important to Escape from Tarkov. Unlike first-person shooter (FPS) titles, Escape from Tarkov is very realistic. Every injury is important and if left untreated it will cause problems.

Not only is it less HP that you will have to deal with when you are shot, but there are a lot of status effects as well. For example, bleeding, cuts, fractures, and pain will make the difference between winning a crossfire and being killed by enemy fire. Playing without healing will leave you at a disadvantage.

With that out of the way, let’s see what the healing process after a raid entails:

●       After a raid, a healing screen will pop up or you can open your stash.

●       Move to the “Health” tab at the top left of the screen.

●       From the menu, choose the relevant medical supplies for your injuries.

●       Select one, for example, a Medkit or Water.

●       When you select an item, there is a drop-down menu.

●       From the menu, select “Use.”

●       You can choose the quantity of the supplies you want to use by selecting a number.

●       Repeat for other injuries and status effects

This process is very similar to recovering during a raid. Both require you to open your inventory and choose a healing item.

There is a Use All feature in Escape from Tarkov, but it won't take into account how much you actually need. For this reason, it is best to determine the exact amount of supplies you need to reach your maximum capacity.


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