Friday, March 6, 2020

WoW Classic Darkmoon Faire Guide

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Looking to splash some color onto your otherwise drab routine in WoW Classic? Then why not go to the Darkmoon Faire? Not only is it a great way for you to shop and spend your hard-earned WoW Classic gold, but while you’re at it, you can also meet up with your online friends and have a bit of fun by playing a minigame or two. The Darkmoon Faire is known to offer players great rewards should they be willing to put in the effort.

What’s there to discover in the Darkmoon Faire and where can you find it? We’ll be discussing all that and more. So if you’re interested to learn about this quaint faire, allow our Darkmoon Faire guide to illuminate your way.

The History of the Darkmoon Faire

The Darkmoon Faire first came to be when Patch 1.6 was released way back in 2005. During that time, there wasn’t really much to get excited about. However, as more patches which further optimized the game got implemented, features such as minigames, vendors exclusive to the faire, and even quests for you to dive into were thrown into the mix. It’s been a decade-and-a-half since it was first introduced, but the faire has always been a great way for the players to loosen up and take a break from the relentless grinding.

Where to Find the Darkmoon Faire

Unlike other timed events, the Darkmoon Faire pops up once a month and lasts for a week until the next month. Specifically, the faire arrives on the first Friday of every month to set and officially opens to the public on the first Monday of the month. While setting up, you won’t be able to interact with the vendors, games, or NPCs that have their quests until they’ve finished preparing. The location of the Darkmoon Faire varies, as the venue rotates between Mulgore that’s southwest of Thunder Bluff and Elwynn Forest which is on the south of Goldshire. In a way, each of the two venues is located in the vicinity of the Alliance and the Horde.

Things You Can Only Do In the Darkmoon Faire

There are a lot of things that you can only do in the Darkmoon Faire! For starters, you can play minigames. There are two games that are exclusive to the faire: The Humanoid Cannonball and Tank Battle Simulator. The Humanoid Cannonball puts you in a Blastenheimer 5000 Ultra Cannon and launches you through the air towards the water target. Although if you don’t hit the target, let’s just say there will be consequences for you to face. The Tank Battle Simulator, on the other hand, is a simulation wherein you can test your tank commander skills. You’ll be using a DarkmoonTonk and be pitted against other players. Whoever is the last person standing wins the game. Note that both of these games don’t award any prizes whatsoever. The mini games are there for you to simply compete against your friends.

Collect Tickets

Similar to a carnival, you can earn tickets and turn them in for rewards. These tickets can be earned by doing a series of quests to NPCs that are in the faire. The most that you can earn in a quest is 40 tickets. There are 9 items that you can buy with tickets, and these can be bought through GelvasGrimegate.

Here are the items that you can get:

Number of Tickets
Required Level to Purchase
Orb of the Darkmoon
Amulet of the Darkmoon
Last Year’s Mutton
Greater Darkmoon Prize
Lesser Darkmoon Prize
Last Month’s Mutton
Minor Darkmoon Prize
Darkmoon Flower
Darkmoon Storage Box

Since the Darkmoon Faire comes once a month, there are plenty of chances for you to join in and see why this carnival-style event is still relevant today despite being 15 years old. Not only can you play minigames with your friends, but you can also buy tons of cool items with tickets or WoW Classic gold. What are you looking forward to the most in the Darkmoon Faire? Leave a comment down and tell us all about it!

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