Friday, February 28, 2020

How to Survive Path of Exile's Metamorph League

Path of Exile Metamorph League_gamingtipsandguides

If you're looking for a Metamorph League guide, chances are you're new to Path of Exile. Another possibility is that you haven't played the game in a long time and are just in need of a refresher. Whatever your reason for seeking out a Metamorph League guide, this article is for you!
Here are a few tips to help you survive the Metamorph League and farm PoE orbs.

Check Your Collected Organs

Organs are the foundation of the creatures you can create. There are five types, brain, eyes, heart, lungs, and liver. You get them by running maps, from normal enemies to bosses alike. Giving one of each type of organ to TaneOctavius will result in a metamorph boss. Once fought, it will shift into the forms of its organs' sources throughout the fight.

Check them for their rewards. A high rarity creature doesn't necessarily mean better rewards. You'll get a preview of potential rewards if you examine the organs beforehand. Customize your created bosses in that way so that you get the rewards you want.

Find a PoE Build

The game provides a choice of seven classes, and each one (except the Scion) has three ascendancy classes. That makes 18 final classes to choose from. What complicates things more is that there is an almost infinite number of possible passive and active skill combinations.

However, choosing and finding a PoE build to use is a crucial step to saving PoE currency. If you follow a build guide, you have a goal to reach for. You won't have to flounder or waste your skill points for passives. Then you could also sell the skill gems you don't need. It also lets you have stricter criteria for the equipment you'll need to use. You'll be able to sell the gear that doesn't fit and craft the ones that do.

In short, following a build will streamline your experience of playing the POE league.

Make Use of the Awakening Levels

Once you reach the endgame, you'll have access to the Atlas. Awakening Levels come with it. Increasing the level will not only make your maps harder but also more rewarding. It's a delicate balance. Upping the difficulty promises the best rewards, but you might not survive. Lowering it will let you survive, but there’ll be less value in the rewards. Adjust it to your liking to get the best possible rewards.

Play With a Friend

There's only so much you can do alone. You can ease the burden and difficulty of level grinding by having a friend or a group with you. What you find challenging when solo won't be as hard when you've got someone by your side.

It also increases the potential rewards you can get. That's a win-win situation right there, and it will be a shame not to capitalize on that.

Go Conquer the Metamorph League!

With these tips, you will go far in PoE. The rest of what you need is all up to you. It's your time, attitude, and determination to see things through that will get you the rest of the way. What's important is that you enjoy the journey of getting to the endgame.
Have fun walking the Path of Exile!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

A Speculation Roundup on Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2

Epic Games Fortnite has been stuck in the first season of its second chapter. Fortunately, it's almost time for the update. Aside from new Fortnite skins on the Fortnite items shop, what else can we expect? Here are some ideas and refreshers from all the teasers released for the launch of the newest season of Fortnite Battle Royale.

Bring the Bling

Gold has been a recurring theme for all the leaks. Random gold objects are appearing on the island in the center of the map. Then there's the leaked Fortnite skin called 'Oro' who is a skeleton made of gold. Even the leaked images have golden objects on a black background.

The random letters appearing on the various leaks are further strengthening this theory. Taking one of each letter spells out 'MIDAS' which can refer to the mythical king with the golden touch. Maybe it's him who's turning all these objects to gold? We’ll have to wait and see. Another interpretation of MIDAS can be 'Missile Defense Alarm System'. Both are possible connections.

At any rate, we can expect lots of gold in the next season. It's unknown what role it will play, but it's going to be significant.

Agent Meowsclesrepurrting for Duty

First seen in a Fortnite Season 7 loading screen, he comes back as a spectrograph image of the audio file 'AgentMeowscles'. There's also that time he was found in the source code by data miners. Then as the leaks and teasers for C2S2 build up, he appears again.

His image is accompanied by several flexing emojis and random phrases in various languages. A majority of those phrases translate into 'nine lives', though some of them say 'seven lives' instead. What happened to those two lives? We might find out upon launch.

Connecting Constellations

Some of the leaked images have these constellation-like images on the background. One user has connected them across the teaser images (the rocket, yarn ball, and Agent Meowscles ones). Another has matched one of the constellations to the coordinates from those real-world call teasers. However, it seems people aren't really focusing on them.

Examining Explosives

Many of the teasers have objects that explode. Among the objects shown are dynamite, a propane tank, a rocket, and this yarn ball with 'rat grenades' tangled in it. They bring to mind all the rockets and explosions that changed Chapter 1's map. Whatever this means, we can expect an explosive launch for Season 2.

…And More!

What could the word 'agent' mean for the lore of the game? Is Agent Meowscles an important lead, or just 'cat-fishing' us? Will we see the return of Fortnite items such as dynamite? Are the 'film heroes and villains' from Season 4 real? What is the connection between Chaos Agent and the oil rig? Are we all just overthinking this?

We'll figure everything out once the update drops. Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2's Fortnite release date is a few hours away, so you don't have to wait for too long. Chapter 2 Season 1 may have dragged a bit, but now we can finally move on.

Enjoy the Fortnite game!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Beyond Draenor: WoW Classic Horde Leveling Zones

WoW Classic Horde Leveling Zones

Players take on WoW Classic Horde leveling zones for different reasons. Maybe you want to know what it’s like on the other side. Maybe you’ve simply forgotten your early days as a member. Regardless of your reason, we know why you’re here. So without further ado, here are the leveling zones for The Horde. With them, you’ll be taking on the Alliance while earning serious WoW Classic Gold on the side!

Starting Point

If you’re either Orc or Troll, the first zone you’ll be spending time in is Durotar, a desert. On the other hand, if you’re Undead and Tauren, you’ll be starting in the ghastly, horror town-esqueTirisfal Glades and the calming plains of Mulgore, respectively. You’ll be staying in those places until level 10, which can be pretty short but can feel like forever if you lack patience. This is especially true if you’ve been spoiled rotten by the main World of Warcraft’s QoL features.

The Middle of Things

Once you get past level 10 and start moving out of the starting zones, the world will feel much bigger. Aside from the literal sense of the word, there are various areas where you can grind until you get to Level 10.

Right from the get-go, you can start grinding in The Barrens, which are very much like the African savannah. It will definitely be a very hot place if it were real but, for some reason, its sights are awe-inspiring and very relaxing. Here, you can gain EXP until you get to level 33.

Other alternatives include Silverpine Forest and Stonetalon Mountains. The former, which is a cool evergreen forest, is a good place to grind until you reach level 20. The latter, on the other hand, is a pretty dry mountainous region, and is recommended for players who are level 15 to 25, and is a place where PvP battles are likely to happen. At the end of the day, The Barrens is still the better choice.
For even more options for people who get tired of grinding in the same place, again and again, they can try HillsbradFoothills and Ashenvale. They’re pretty fun places to level up in from 20 to 30, and they have lots of quests over there. The latter, however, is practically Night Elf territory, so it should go without saying that you should be ready to fight Alliance scum!

Into the Endgame

Upon approaching mid-30s, however, things can get quite tricky, as you’ll have no choice but to move, and almost all zones you’ll be grinding in next are contested territories. Be warned!
A good example of this is Stranglethorn Vale. It’s one of the more relaxing zones out there, with it being a lush jungle and all, but it’s also a favorite among Alliance players, so you need to be extra careful. Arathi Highlands is a good alternative, but it’s got fewer quests and has a few elite mobs from time to time.

Other good zones to level up in are Badlands, Swamp of Sorrows, and Dustwallow Marsh, where you can stay until you’re level 45. And at level 40-50, you can either grind in these three same zones or you can move on to Tanaris, Feralas, TheHinterlands, and SearingGorge.

Finally, the last stretch! Your level 50-60 grind is divided into two. The first half is usually spent in level 47-55 zones, like the Blasted Lands and Un’Goro Crater. The former is your usual wasteland while the latter is the game’s version of Jurassic Park. If all things considered are equal, Un’Goro Crater is the one with a better atmosphere. You can also try out the quests in Azshara, but there aren’t a lot of quests there. For the second half, it will be in level 55-60 zones, such as Eastern Plaguelands, Winterspring, and Silithus.

So there you have it–the zones you need to be in to get to level 60 real quick. Happy grinding, may you find that sweet spot and may your grinding be as fun as can be!

Friday, February 7, 2020

Got the Grinding Blues in WoW Classic or Retail? Here Are Some Things to Do

wow classic vs retail

Let's face it. Nobody can handle continuous grinding for extended periods of time. Without regular breaks, burnout is inevitable. You may think you're fine now, but this kind of thing has a way of creeping up on you slowly. It may start with a gradual reduction of time spent playing. Then you start questioning why you're still playing at all. Next thing you know, you haven't played for a whole week!

So, what can you do when fatigue sets in as you farm World of Warcraft Retail or WoW Classic gold or levels? Read on for some activities you can do.


Mischievous players in PvP servers can take the time to be an inconvenience to others. From disrupting quests to impersonating NPCs, there's a wide variety of tricks you can play on other players. Your reputation will take a hit, but you should be prepared to cope with that. Just don't be too much of a jerk and keep everyone else from having fun too!

Help Other Players

On the other side of the coin, if you're a more altruistic soul, you can offer to help lower-leveled or new players. You may ask for monetary compensation or not, depending on your preference. Activities under this category include assisting in dungeons, giving a lift with the two-seater WoW mounts, and accompanying them to their destination. You might even gain new friends as you do this!

Host Small-Scale Games

Gather up some other bored players and start a game of tag, hide-and-seek, or similar games. An alternative is to hold a race from town to town. Rewards should sweeten the deal if you have the necessary resources to provide one. However, it's not required to have fun.


With the right equipment, you can look like certain characters. Whether you're copying a character in the game itself or from another franchise, it's a new experience to enjoy in a game where you’re already role-playing, to begin with.

Explore Azeroth

In the unending rush of grinding or farming, sometimes the beauty of Battle of Azeroth falls by the wayside. When was the last time you took the time to appreciate the landscapes and environment of the game? Saddle up your mount and take a ride or flight through the continent. Why not take a few screenshots of the best views as well?

Take a Break from the Game

Sometimes, fatigue is too great. If the above suggestions don't seem to help, maybe taking a few days off from playing can help. Removing yourself completely from whatever's stressing you can give a bit of relief. You can also take the time to figure out what to do next. Focus on another hobby you have, or spend time with your family. Otherwise, you can try playing a different game. You’d be surprised at how reinvigorated you are once you start playing again. Take note of your subscription status if you're doing this. You might want to turn off the auto-renew option if you're going to take a long break.

Even the best players get tired. Pushing yourself when you're at that state isn't healthy at all. Playing a game shouldn't become a chore; you play it to have fun. When it stops being fun, that's when you take a break to refresh yourself. Any of the methods above are available, or you can find your own. No game is worth risking your health and life over.

Have fun in Vanilla with some WoW Classic items or World of Warcraft Retail, and please take care of yourself!

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Love is in the Air With World of Warcraft Starting this February 8th!

 World of Warcraft is known to have a lot of holidays, which you can categorize from Christmas Winter's Veil theme to smaller and limited editions, etc. This Saturday, February 8, 2020 is one of the bigger events. This event has a Valentine theme "Love is in the Air.

Check the video below!

In February in World of #Warcraft, love is in the air... of Azeroth ❤️