Monday, April 13, 2020

World of Warcraft: Games as a Productivity Platform

gabe newell wow gold farmer

How the Steam Workshop was born
The Steam Workshop is a place where Steam users can create their own content. From new items to new levels, they enhance the game with either cosmetics or entirely new stories. It's a place where fans of the game can share their work and sometimes, even profit from them.
Who knew it all started when Gabe Newell decided to become a WoW gold farmer? He saw that it pays off comfortably, even beating out the wages of some real-world jobs. With that in mind, the direction of Valve went from games as entertainment to games as platforms of productivity.

What Does That Mean?

Simply put, you can profit by enjoying games. Creating content for a game is a way of enjoying it. Where do you think all the fanart or fanfiction came from? Players enjoyed the game so much they had to make something to show their appreciation. Fan content is no different, and the effort of making both is comparatively similar.
Think about all the fan content on Sims. There's also all the mods for Skyrim. Addons for MMOs are a version of fan content. Each one of those was made by players who either saw a need or thought that an item like that would be fun. They create, but may not know where to put them.
Thus, Steam Workshop was born. It's where you can find fan content for a game, whether it's free or sold for a price.


That's why you shouldn't discount the time you spend farming World of Warcraft gold. Eventually, you'll be able to raise enough to buy a WoW Token. That's an item that can give you more subscription time. The only other way to get one is by paying real money for it. When you're able to get it through getting WoW gold to pay the current WoW Token price, it's almost as good as getting paid for your time playing.
Of course, that's no comparison to getting profit from selling something you created (or those who buy WoW gold you’re selling but you didn't hear that from us). So go out and create! Be productive while you enjoy video games.
Stay healthy and have fun!

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