Wednesday, March 6, 2019

OSRS Gold Farming Tips

OSRS Gold Farming Tips

In games such as Old School RuneScape as well as in the real world, money is an all-important resource that everybody needs. To that end, many methods of OSRS gold farming exist. Listing all of them isn't the purpose of this article though. Instead, we'll tackle some tips and reminders for when you're trying out those methods.

Please do take note that these methods will not always give you the same profit every time. Market prices are always fluctuating, so don't worry if your profit margins sometimes are sometimes lackluster.

First Tip: More Opportunities for Paid Players

It's a well-known fact that more content is available for paid members. However, that shouldn't discourage you from trying to farm gold however which way you want. While there are more opportunities for members, that actually makes it harder to choose which method to follow. You might even end up being spread too thin among all the alts you have.

Tying in with the next tip, sometimes all you need are the basic things.

Second Tip: Higher Yields Do Not Always Make Better Methods

So you have a rather difficult method of gold farming, but the rewards are so worth it. Or is it really? Sometimes, faster but less profitable methods are better. Say the more profitable one takes one and a half hours and yields 10,000 gold. The other method takes thirty minutes, but only yields 4,000 gold. By doing the latter method, you get 12,000 in relatively the same amount of time you do the former.

In this case, what is available to free players can actually be more profitable than those available to members. Then again, it all depends on your preference.

Third Tip: Perseverance is Key

Many of the methods you'll find require a great deal of repetitive action. Sure, you can use bots or scripts, but are the gold rewards really worth the risk of possibly getting banned? If you want to keep your account, you're going to have to do everything by hand. Doing that requires no small amount of perseverance and patience.

Who knew gold farming is so character-building?

Fourth Tip: Know Your Limits

If at any point you start getting tired of OSRS gold farming, go and do quests, explore, or raise your skills. It's not a necessity to go out there and farm all the time. Better yet, turn off your PC or phone and go and enjoy the real world for a bit. Grinding 24/7 will never be healthy for anybody, so be sure to take breaks often! You’ll be fresh with renewed vigor for the game when you come back.

Fifth Tip: Enjoy!

It's actually a part of the previous. There will be a point where grinding for OSRS gold will get old, and it stops being enjoyable. When it does, it's a good time to take a break. The main purpose of a game is for players to enjoy. So when it stops being fun, it's not serving its purpose.

At any rate, continue enjoying OSRS! Whether you're questing, skilling, hunting, or just general passing time, have fun.

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