Sunday, December 12, 2021

5 Legendary Escape Room Video Games

Escape rooms have recently blown up; especially the virtual escape rooms during covid times have given people that spark that they so thoroughly deserved to combat the evils of earthly pleasures and the consequences of despair. 

Escape Room Video Games
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on

Escape rooms are quite literally a real-life simulation of video games, so it would come as no surprise that somewhere out there, video games based on escape rooms exist. In this article, we discuss 5 of the most iconic and legendary escape room video games to ever grace the gaming community.

1.      The Witness:

This is a game for anyone who loves movies about being stranded on an island. The concept is rather simple; you first figure out how to progress through the island by solving some clues in a bunker. The best part about this game is that the whole island is solvable, but players usually tend to pick a specific path as they progress; you can always head back and try different paths.

You will start to realize just how incredibly well-strung the game is as you progress in the game. The more you solve puzzles and get to more difficult parts of the game, the more you realize the importance of some details revealed in the early stages of the game. So, you’re always learning new things!

Sure, at first glance, this game might not seem like an escape room, but when you broaden your horizons, you start to pick up on the similarities in terms of having to discover things and also having to solve clues and puzzles. 

2.      Firewatch:

This game is more like an adventure game, if anything, like a sort of walking simulator where you, Henry, go about every day as a new park ranger performing your daily tasks. The interesting part about this game isn’t about the adventures he has either; neither is it an action-packed game, but it revolves around Henry’s previous and forthcoming relationships and the amazingly timed voiceovers.

Many have claimed that the game does not have a satisfactory ending, but that is life, is it not? If you come to expect great endings in every video game, then what exactly is the purpose of playing it? In terms of it being an escape room like an escape room in Bangalore, if you are the type to play an escape room solely for the storyline, you will enjoy this game. 

3.      The Room:

This game is confidently one of the first of its kind because it’s a whole new genre! Think of a mix between a Rubik’s Cube and Rube Goldberg’s machine. That is this game. The gameplay has you started by presenting The Box, which is a mystery box; later in the game, you will learn it is made of an unknown element called null. The further you progress through the game by solving puzzles and clues, the more letters you get from the same writer.

It gets to a point where the writer descends into madness; the goal is to unlock the four mystery boxes in the house to inevitably extract a complex box within. This is the textbook definition of an escape room game that can be bizarre yet appeasing. 

4.      Faraway Series:

This is arguably the best escape room video game ever created. You start off the game with three parts, the puzzle escape, arctic escape, and jungle escape. The gameplay of the puzzle escape starts with you ready to explore an ancient civilization. You are here because your father led you to this place. You then are to solve clues to 18 temples in the civilization, each of which unlocks several notes that aid you in solving the other puzzles as well.

The arctic gameplay begins with you in search of your long-lost father, it has been several years since his disappearance, and you seem to be getting nowhere. But you seem to be getting closer after one of your expeditions leads you to a frosty temple area; you are getting closer to finding your father.

You continue to discover clues left behind by him for you but now ultimately have to escape the frosty temple to continue with your expedition. And lastly, the jungle escape is the most straightforward game on this list, with minimal backstory. You are sent into a jungle environment and have to find your way out and escape. 

5.      The Zero Escape:

Do you remember the movie The Saw? Maybe you even watched it. This is the movie that inspired the creations of the first-ever escape room! And this game is no different because it too was inspired by The Saw. Just like in the movie The Saw, you have to solve clues and figure out ways to escape torture. The puzzles are meant to endanger your life, and by solving them, you are basically saving yourself and buying time for an ultimate escape. It is truly a Saw video game. 


And these were five of the most legendary escape room-themed video games you must try out if you like escape rooms. Even if you have not heard of the concept before, these games are sure to make your brain work hard and increase gray matter. From adventure-based games to straight-on depictions of the movie The Saw, the range of these escape room-based video games is truly magnificent, so do not hesitate to give them a try. 

GUEST POSTER Author Bio:  Aniya more is one of the brightest content writers at She is a passionate writer who loves to read books and explore different escape rooms. With a great work ethic, she spends most of her time researching and reading. When she is not working, she likes to relax with a cup of coffee and enjoy watching her favorite tv show or walking her dog peanut.


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