Friday, October 15, 2021

Explore a Thrilling Adventure: New World Hangs in the Balance

New World Hangs in the Balance

The scales can tip in either direction yet

Amazon’s newly released MMO got stuck in a mire almost right off the bat. Aside from the usual bugs, it seems they didn’t take into account how anticipated their game really is. Anyway, unlike your plans to farm New World coins, reading this article doesn’t need a delay.

Problems Players Found

Within a day of release, the servers were flooded with New World accounts all trying to get into the game. While that’s all well and good for the company, it was less so for the servers. The servers were so overwhelmed with the sheer amount of players trying to get in, queues formed for hours.

Nobody likes delays, and this one just makes it worse. Waiting to play a game you’ve been anticipating cools down the excitement and lessens the enjoyment of the game overall. It’s starting to ease up with more servers being added, though queues haven’t really gone away yet.

There’s also the problem of flat content. There’s a lot to do, yes, but actually doing it can be repetitive. Quests don’t have much variance between them, and crafting is a cycle of gathering materials and then crafting New World items. Well, because of the abundance of resource nodes, it can be a long time before you’ll have to gather materials again. However, that also makes the period of crafting longer, and that’s more tedious than gathering.

Combat and skills can be a bit clunky for some. Some players enjoyed the skill system, and yet others don’t like how useless some of the skills can be. Maybe this one is influenced more by the player’s preference, as some find the combat nothing to be worried about. The general animation though can still get better. There’s also the black market filled with those who want to buy New World coins. While the game is still new, it’s not quite a problem yet, but you can expect it will become one later on.

Parting Words

While it’s not rare for games to be released with problems, this was a flagship game for a new company. Sure, this can be chalked up to their relative inexperience, but they have to shape up sooner rather than later. Otherwise, if this trend continues, gamers might expect this to happen in future games, which hurts their overall image.

They should tip the scales in their favor as soon as they can. There have been games that were bad on release but eventually got better. Let’s hope they get in gear soon and New World gets better. Enjoy the game however you can!



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