Thursday, July 4, 2019

Apex Legends Bunny Hop Technique

If you can't beat them, join them! Many might consider bunny hopping an unfair trick, but the truth is that those are the cries of those who don't know how to do it. So here's how to get in on the bunny hop train and get those levels for your Apex Legends account.

What is Bunny Hopping?

It's a movement technique that maintains the momentum from a former action to clear distances faster. In other words, it's a more complicated but quicker way to move from point A to B. However, since you're not actually sprinting, you can do things that normally aren't allowed while you are. Take healing, for instance. With bunny hopping, you can get away from a skirmish, all while healing yourself. That's very useful if you ever get caught outside the safe zone, too!

It also makes you slightly harder to hit as you zip around the map. Bunny hopping gives you a rather erratic movement pattern. It's harder to predict, but not impossible. Other players would naturally have a harder time trying to hit a bunny hopper than a sprinter.

How to Bunny Hop

Executing the bunny hop in Apex is a little different than it is in CSGO. It's also something that will be easier to do with a keyboard and mouse rather than a controller. That being said, here are the steps of bunny hopping.

   1.       Start out with a sprint (for about two seconds)
   2.       Crouch slide
   3.       Jump (before the slide ends)
   4.       Strafe right as you look to the left
   5.       Jump as soon as you land
   6.       Strafe left as you look to the right
   7.       Repeat steps three to six until you want to stop

For a clearer explanation of the strafing, imagine a point in front of you. As you strafe and move, keep looking at that point.

To make it easier for keyboard and mouse users, bind the jump key to the wheel scroll. It eliminates the bit of guesswork in timing your jumps and losing your momentum. For controller users, the trigger buttons would be a good alternative, though your new control scheme will take some getting used to. If it gets you to bunny hop properly, though, it's worth it.

Also, you don't have to push W or move forward at all, aside from the initial sprint. That actually messes up the momentum built by your initial slide and ruin your hopping. The only movements you should do is the strafing, jumping, and looking left or right.

Practice Makes Perfect

Take the time to try and master the bunny hop in the training grounds. You're not going to be confident using it during battle if you're not actually good at it in practice. It looks easy on paper, but the practice is a whole other perspective. Once you're confident enough, you can try adding healing, throwing grenades, and even shooting as you bunny hop your way to victory.

So go and practice! Learning how to do this is only evening the odds. Getting it removed would be a bit difficult, because how would you go about removing it? Strafing and jumping aren't illegal moves, and it doesn't make sense to prohibit those actions. They can try slowing down the movement, but that will leave about half of the players frustrated. Sure it's an unintentional feature and looks like an unfair advantage. However, it's not like it's a secret forbidden technique.

Who's stopping you from learning it? Wouldn't it be fair if everybody knows how? At any rate, Respawn should tread carefully, lest they alienate many of their players. If they did remove this feature, and you want to quit, consider selling your account. You may use an Apex account calculator to get the most profit from your account. Let's hope it doesn't come to that point, though.

While it's still here, enjoy bunny hopping your way to ultimate victory!

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